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Image by Jr Korpa


Author. Storyteller.
EAF's Debut Novel Following the Snow

Epic Romantasy

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One hundred years ago the rulers of the Seven Kingdoms allied themselves to combat a force so heinous that the ensuing war destroyed three Kingdoms entirely. As the nations of Ærta began to rebuild, blessed Obligates were trained to ensure the future harmony of the continent's people. Follow Troth Eira as she navigates her new life and new relationships at Verus Temple, a place where she quickly learns, not all is as it seems. 


Book 3 and Exclusive Edition available for Pre-Order!


Book 1: Following the Snow



We arrived at Verus, whole and mostly unmolested. The temple is as grand as anything I’ve ever seen back home… even if its people are four snowflakes short of a flurry. The other Troth are great, as are most of the Scion, but Momma, one of them—Scion Ambrose—is a little too interested in this buxom snowbunny! Nan will sort him out soon enough. We may not be in Nortia anymore, but we brought the frost south.

I’m worried that maybe the Goddess got it wrong and I’m meant to be back home cleaning out the coops and keeping the fishing holes ice-free, instead of here, ensuring Ærta’s prosperity. I suppose, though, If the Goddess chose me to traverse this path, then surely it’s the one I’m bound to be on.


Tell Father I love him and to stop crying. I’ll be fine.

Love you,

Eira Verras Chulainn,
Obligate Born, Lover of Snacks,
Bullies Bane, Misser of Mom

Book 2: Snow on the Summit



Uncertainty is the only thing I am certain of…

I have learned since leaving Verus that even in the face of grave danger, the heart is still capable of love, and that love comes in an infinite supply, in all manner of shapes and shades.

I have come to understand that even as the walls close around me and the stars seem to shine less brightly in the night sky, life continues moving forward, and I must continue following the path I have chosen... or choose to be left behind. My power lies firmly in my own hands.

Oh, and I’ve come to the conclusion that being a Chosen One is a steaming pile of horseshit, and if a person is to be ‘blessed’ without their consent, it should godsdamn well be served with a heaping side dish of clairvoyance.

At least the sex is good.


Your Daughter,

Eira (The Assigned but Aggravated Obligate of Solnna)

Postscriptum: When next we meet, you owe me an explanation of the missing details of MY LIFE... and a hug. I miss you.

Book 3: When Snow Falls



She’s gone.

She stands upon the Arbiter, awaiting judgment. Your dearest friend no longer walks the soil because of something as insignificant as my existence, my divine destiny, if you can call it that.

You raised me to believe that, even in the most difficult of times, if I looked for joy—truly sought it—I would find it, punctuating the seemingly endless dark. But what if I’ve decided to embrace the night—to walk the path of the shadows?

I am full of anger, imbued with grief, and I’m not used to feeling this way.

“Will anger sustain you, Eira? Will it solve your problem?” I can hear you even now. And I know the answer is no, Momma. But ending the man who ripped my heart from my chest, stole the very air from my lungs, would give me an almost tangible sense of fulfillment.

The thought of retribution allows me to keep living—that and... the men I have chosen to love—one who is undoubtedly the sexiest beast to walk the Goddess’s creation. The other who is an angry little man with questionable hygiene and not an iota of fashion sense.

My husband, Ambrose, pins this missive as I am unable to do so. He says, “He would like to meet you relatively soon to assess my future skin care needs.”

(Eira has become irrationally angry as I refuse to begin a new parchment. She feels my concerns are unimportant, which is highly offensive. I will see that she remains healthy, give her snacks, and when my brother returns, he can park his ship in her harbor a few times, and her boil should reduce to a simmer.)


We hope you are well,

His Highness, Ambrose Burchard
Berra Odel Ricard, Heir to
the Throne of Monwyn, Commander
of His Majesties Navy.

And your incensed brat of a daughter, Eira"

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